Small Groups
Share common interests and experience God.
Register New Small Group
My First name und last name
Desired name for my small group
My small group belongs to the following area –Gebiet Silbern NordGebiet Silbern MitteGebiet Silbern SüdGebiet Silbern WestGebiet Silbern LatinosGebiet Silbern Jugend
The name of my zone leader
Use a couple of phrases to write out the goal as well as the content of your small group. (Please include any reading requirement, workbook or necessary expenses).
Target group –AllWomenMenYouth (15-23)Young AdultsMarried CouplesFamily55+Kids
Language –Swiss DialectHigh GermanEnglishFrenchItalianFilipinoPortugueseSerbo-CroatianSpanishTamil/TagalogThai
The Address of the meeting place (incl. Zip code + Town of the meeting place)
Day of the week –MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
Meeting time